Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tone it Up!

Body+Soul magazine had a great article on tips to help me get in shape. When it comes to working out, I'm such a procrastinator! Visually (in my mind) I see myself thinner but it takes more than visualizing, it's taking "action" on my vision and dumping the excuses (oh you should hear my excuses).

Here's a few toning tips:

  • Take your meetings on the road by turning a sit-down session into a walk-and-talk.

  • Set an alarm to remind you to stand up at least once every hour.

  • Go dancing once a week

  • Don't take your TV commercials sitting down. Get up and move around; do a few jumping jacks or physical chores until the program comes back on.

  • Skip the elevator and take the stairs.

  • Play the Dance Dance Revolution video game (you don't have to be a kid to enjoy it).

  • Have (more) sex.

  • Get a cardio workout DVD and do it 1 to 2 times a week.


Anonymous said...

Great tips. Being fit is much easier when you can incorporate it into the things you do every day.

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Hey sweetie. Wonderful tips. I'm trying to get up out of my blogging chair right now and get on my machine. I see myself thinner in my head to, but dreaming about feeling and looking your best and healthiest is as you said, not enough.

Success to the both of us.

Come by for a visit.

Ciao, my Bella.
