Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Corno is one of my favorite artists, her paintings are so sensual. I found out about her through a BFF on It's something about her art that makes me feel so sensual and exotic! I would love to get a self portrait from her.

You can check out Corno's art here in Los Angeles area:

Left Coast Galleries
12324 Ventura Boulevard
Studio City, CA 91604


Maven Society said...

This is one of the reasons I wish I were in SoCal. I don't know much about the museums and galleries here in GA yet so I don't know where to go. By the way, there is a provocative exhibition by Kara Walker at the Hammar museum in Los Angeles. I would definitely check this out if I were on the West Coast. I guess I have to wait until she heads back to East Coast but she may be too edgy for the South considering some of the themes of her work are race, sex, and slavery.

Elle said...

This is beautiful! I love this!! We can share all these things with eachother!! I love this artist!